Salt Spring Island
Island Soaring does not have permission to use the trails or launch on the the Malahat. If you choose to fly here anyway please note that this is a tightly restricted airspace. Please refer to the CYA Operating procedures and the NAV Canada Agreement before flying here.
Access: only hike (!). At the moment 2 paths already unusable. Bushwalking gets you there. Recommended to have map or navigation device with off line maps. We got lost once in the early days in winter and almost spent the night.
Launch: A cliff one (!) with small runaway (!!). Nil wind makes things even more challenging. Not all could fly last time. All very skilled pilots. MUST be willing to hike down also alone. I did many times.
Airspace: Class C from surface. NO flying without NOTAM not even sleddies (more stringent than Salt Spring). Kamloops and Tower MUST be aware. Tower has clear visibility of cliff and surrounding airspace. VFR rules here are paramount.
Air Communication: RADIO 146.000 Mhz mandatory. We are often not cleared and could be grounded with no notice if runaway 27 is switched or any other YYJ Tower needs arise.
Landing: no option before the highway 1 (Malahat section of the highway). Shore landing: tide related, even tighter window during the winter, anyone has different landing skills. MUST be checked, learned and planned accordingly.